In Irving ISD, the health and safety of our students and staff is our number one priority. With classes resuming on Wednesday, January 5, we continue to monitor COVID-19 data to prepare for a safe return. The new Omicron variant has caused a spike in COVID-19 cases resulting in Dallas County’s return to a level red status.
Irving ISD will continue with its current safety protocols as they have helped keep the number of positive cases down across the district. These protocols include highly encouraging the wearing of masks and frequent hand washing, cleaning and disinfecting classrooms and high-touch surfaces, practicing social distancing to the extent possible and encouraging students and staff to get tested when displaying symptoms of COVID-19.
By working together, we can reduce the spread and keep students in classrooms. To this end, we ask that you remain vigilant in practicing safety measures at school and home. We highly encourage you to wear a mask and practice social distancing as much as possible. As always, anyone who displays symptoms of COVID-19 should contact their health provider and get tested. We ask that you please report all positive test results to your campus nurse and remain at home until further guidance is provided.
Campus nurses are also available to administer COVID-19 tests if your child is displaying symptoms. We highly encourage you to take advantage of this free service if you believe your child has come into close contact with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 or is displaying symptoms. Testing is a very important safety measure that helps the district determine if your child needs to quarantine and for how long. Additionally, testing also helps to determine if your child is clear to remain in school.
Thank you for your support and commitment to helping keep everyone safe. We will see you in-person on Wednesday January 5, as scheduled.