Category: Video

Internship Takes Student’s Future to the Next Level

Jayla Hellm’s first dream was to follow in the footsteps of her mother as a nurse. She admired her mother’s compassion for others and wanted that same legacy. The desire to become a nurse faded as she got older and realized her...

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Karate Teacher’s Dedication to Mentoring

Looking out for others has always come naturally to Don Oliver. At an early age, Oliver trained in martial arts under a Japanese sensei, adopting their core beliefs of respect, harmony and service to others as his own. Oliver,...

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Steps to a Brighter Future

Adama Diallo has paved a very bright future for herself, but it didn’t always seem that way.  As an immigrant from West Africa and the eldest of four siblings raised by a single mother, Diallo grew up accustomed to financial...

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